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Open Secret. In 2. Yolande Duran Serrano, an ordinary and capable French woman, was overtaken by a clear and spontaneous awakening to reality and her true nature. A state of profound Silence or “ego death”, so profound that even the tragic death of her only son did not pull her out of the Silence, a Universal Consciousness that is ever present. She shares her message of spirituality through her gentle manner and points out what our lives could be. She offers her message with gentleness, accompanied by an impersonal authority that visibly comes from the absolute clarity. Yolande’s teaching is the expression of her own experience and consciousness.

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She offers no dogma, no method and says, we only need to surrender to the spontaneous understanding with an absolute trust. Bookstore Calendar of Events.

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Saturday December 8, 2. Our Annual Gathering with. Kryon. With Lee Carroll$9. LEE CARROLL has channeled Kryon for 2. Kryon Series of 1. Well known in Metaphysics, the Kryon channeled books have made the top seller’s list of most New Age distributors within months of release.  One of his books, The Indigo Children, introduced the term “Indigo Children” to the world.  Having presented six times at the United Nations in New York, as well as in 2.

Lee attracts audiences in the thousands.  Lee’s fascinating, entertaining lectures bring a message of love, empowerment and unity for Humanity.  Mixed with scientific validations, humor and personal stories, his lectures are favorites within the New Age community.    Ask Kryon. QUESTION: Are you an Ascended Master, dear Kryon? ANSWER:  No.  I am a servant for humanity in its quest to create peace on Earth and increase the vibration of the planet.  I honor the ascended masters, for theirs is also a specialty to help you as well.  I work with all of them, especially that of St. Germain.  My interdimensional counterpart is Metatron.  We often work together regarding the physics of your planet.  All of the others are back on Earth in some form of energy work at this time in your history.  They have all returned and are working with you daily. QUESTION: Dear Kryon: I am a healer/alternative therapist.  What is the best way to help people with addictions and compulsive behaviors? ANSWER:  Addictions and compulsive behavior are a result of more than just psychological disorders and/or chemical imbalance. They are a way for the biological- self to distract a Human from completing what it came here for, spiritually.

It is also given as a test or challenge. If you work with addicted Humans, then I don't have to tell you the frustration they feel. They absolutely know what they are doing, yet then can't communicate with their cellular structure enough to stop it. The main part of this struggle is the one where the biology builds a "wall of addition or compulsive behavior" so that the Human does NOT have to make the decision they came here for.

Worse, sometimes this activity is actually designed to kill them quicker! Many of these precious souls are very spiritual…did you notice? They are "on the edge" of complete knowledge, but just can't seem to "go there."What to do? Your work as a healer is to help them over this hump of fear.

They can't stop smoking… or eating… or sexual desire… or drugs? These are all classic Human biological ploys that are part of the "seed fear" of enlightenment. Clearing fear is the answer… fear that perhaps this time they won't suffer and go through torture because they accept the information of the Higher- self. Many are unconsciously fearful of moving into a spiritual experience.

Even those who are healers… channellers… and ministers will also experience this! They don't want to "go all the way," since the last time they did this… they died, horribly. So, healer, help them to begin talking to their cellular structure in ways that will relax the fear of spiritual information and action. The more they can love themselves, the less they will rely on outside stimulus for their peace. The more they can drop this very real fear of theirs, the less they will need their additions.

Behavior will modify and the addiction will eventually drop away. Watch Hotel California Online Moviesdbz. Meditation is also part of the key to this… real meditation, with intent and motivation. Finally, self- worth is the real issue (same as loving themselves).

When this is settled, then the addictions begin to diminish and go away. QUESTION:  Dear Kryon, I am gay, and an enlightened man. I live in an American society that barely tolerates me, and actually has some laws against my way of life. The church I used to belong to cast me out as being evil and anti- God. I don't feel that I am violating some Human ethic. My love is as true as any heterosexual, and I am a light worker. Tell me what I should know.

ANSWER:  Dear one, less than two generations from now, there will be those who find this book and laugh at the quaintness of this very question. Before I answer, let me ask you and those reading this to examine a phenomenon about Human society and "God."Thirty years ago, interracial marriage was considered to be wrong by the laws of God.

Now your society finds it common. The spiritual objections around it were either dropped or "rewritten" by those divinely inspired and authorized to do so. Therefore, your actual interpretations of the instructions from God changed with your society's tolerance level- -an interesting thing, indeed, how the interpretations of God seem to change regularly to match a changing culture! The truth, of course, is that you find yourself in a situation that is known to create a test for you. Right now, in this time, you have agreed to come into your culture with an attribute that may alienate you from friends and religious followers. You have faced fear of rejection and have had to "swim upstream," so to speak, just as an everyday life occurrence. Your contract, therefore, has been set up well, and you are in the middle of it.

Additionally, like so many like you, you have a divine interest in yourselves! You feel part of the spiritual family. What a dichotomy indeed, to be judged as evil by those who are the high spiritual leaders- -interpreting God for today's culture. Now I say this: What is your intent?

Is it to walk with love for all those around you and become an enlightened Human Being in this New Age? Is it to forgive those who see you as a spiritual blight on society? Can you have the kind of tolerance for them that they seem not to have for you?

This entry was posted on 7/20/2017.