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A Look at Buffalo’s Black Rock Neighborhood Through the Eyes of Jane Jacobs – Buffalo Rising. UB Law School’s Regional Economic Development class is bringing fresh economic development ideas to neighborhoods that need a boost.  The course lets students attempt to identify a real need in the community, apply the theory learned in the classroom and then design a plan that would address this need.  The following is a summary of a project completed by David Burress, Megan Van. Wie and Christina Akers with simulations by Troy Joseph.  It is one of five reports completed by the students last semester. INTRODUCTIONOver the past eight years, Black Rock has emerged as a cultural and social hub for local artisans and musicians.  The neighborhood has attracted a new bakery and a restaurant while renewing local nightlife.  Starting in 2. Doreen De. Both opened the Artsphere studio located at 4. Amherst Street.  The arts culture of Black Rock attracted local entrepreneurs Mark Goldman of the Hardware Café on Allen Street and Deborah Clark of Delish, formerly on Elmwood Avenue.   One local business owner observed how “we can feel it in our bones that our neighborhood is really starting to make an impact in becoming a cool place to listen to music and check out the arts.”  Goldman remarked how, “that’s really our future economy — it’s the arts.” “The Rock” neighborhood now boasts several art exhibition spaces, bars featuring local musicians, and the Rediscover Amherst Street Art Festival currently in its thirteenth year.  Arguably, the arts industry has been the root of development in this neighborhood.   Although the area has experienced various types of economic development in recent years, it has made the area ripe for consideration.

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Our group chose to consider this area because of its historical nature, mixed- use development and changing demographics, in addition to the recent growth of new businesses along Amherst Street.  It was also chosen because of its dense network of residential streets, abandoned industry, functioning railway, bike path, strong interconnectivity to two thruways, and close proximity to a local state college. Most critically, Black Rock has the necessary conditions for a successful urban neighborhood as defined by Jane Jacobs in “The Death and Life of Great American Cities.” Jacobs argues that creating diversity requires “effective economic pools of use”.   An effective city must have four conditions: mixed- use buildings, small streets, aged structures, and concentrated public spaces.  These are required for a city district to “realize its best potential.”This paper attempts to identify these four elements in Black Rock, analyze their strengths and weaknesses, supported by our report findings.  Based on our observations we made recommendations on ways to improve to the neighborhood. LAND USEThe land use of the area helped attract our group to this region in Buffalo. The area has a diversity of uses including industry, residential, recreation, commercial, community services, and some vacant lots.  The majority of the land use north of Amherst Street and south of Chandler Street is used for residential purposes.  Within that area there are twenty- one vacant lots within the residential area. Grote Street the area has the highest level of mixed use because it includes residential, industrial, commercial, recreation, and some vacant lots.  The area around the railroad tracks once had much more industry but now has a lot more vacant lots. The majority of the land use along Amherst Street is mixed- use commercial due to the variety of stores placed directly on the street.  Many storefronts on Amherst Street appear to have living quarters upstairs.  On visits, the individuals living above the storefronts came to our attention because the lights were on in almost all of the upstairs apartments in the evening. Within the neighborhood, some of the land is used for community services.  One of the most prevalent community services in the neighborhood is Habitat for Humanity Restore which is located on Amherst Street.  There are also recreational uses in Black Rock.  One of the major recreational uses was along the Erie Canal with the bike path.

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The bike path runs along the Erie Canal above the 1. On visits to the neighborhood, individuals had been working on the bike path, replanting grass seed.

The variety of uses makes this neighborhood extremely interesting and helps to understand a place which Jane Jacobs referred to. Black Rock is not the caliber of neighborhood as Jane Jacobs described, but has many of the important aspects that Jane stated were needed for a successful neighborhood. INVENTORY: CONDITIONS FOR DIVERSITYThe first step in our analysis was creating a local inventory of the Black Rock neighborhood. This was developed primarily from observation from visits to the street, conversations with neighborhood stakeholders, and Internet searches.

At first blush, the neighborhood has equal part commercial businesses and cultural resources, with two major infrastructure assets: the 1. Black Rock is fortunate to also have strong community associations in place. Within our neighborhood there are key anchor businesses that help to draw outside individuals into Black Rock. For example, Wegmans is one of the largest players because it is the only store of its kind throughout Buffalo.   Another is Voelker’s Bowling alley located at the intersection of Amherst Street and Elmwood Avenue.  Voelker’s brings a large amount of different individuals into the neighborhood seeking recreation.  The major weakness of both of these large anchors is their ability to draw individuals into the neighborhood, but not getting the individuals to stay. Part of Voelker’s problem is that it is located at the very corner of the street at a very busy intersection and is isolated from other businesses along Amherst Street by residential housing. The weaknesses could be addressed to try and incorporate these larger players more into the neighborhood to get individuals to do more business on Amherst Street.

Here, we will analyze the neighborhood inventory against Jacob’s elements of what makes a strong city neighborhood, and by extension, local economy. First, we will look at the conditions for generating diversity; second, analyze how the neighborhood sidewalks lend to safety, human contact, and assimilating children; and finally, the role of neighborhood parks.

First Condition: Mixed- Uses. Black Rock is a mixed- use neighborhood. Watch Story Of Eva Online Hollywoodreporter.

According to Jacobs, the first condition for creating diversity in a city neighborhood is having mixed primary uses.  In Black Rock, mixed use is most evident between Grant Street and Bridgeman Street and includes Graser’s Florist, Spars European Sausage & Meats, Delish!, American Legion Post 1. Assumption of the Blessed Church, and Salon Daneen. This part of the neighborhood demonstrates successful mixed- use development. We also observed this mixed- use development during our visits to the neighborhood. In particular, one evening while walking on Amherst Street we observed many second floors lights on, indicating residential and after- hour commercial uses. Part of the neighborhood between Bridgeman Street and Elmwood Avenue, however, has weak mixed- use development along the southern boundary. Specifically, Wegmans is a large, “big box” styled development and is set back from Amherst Street.

A large parking lot separates the store from the street with a significant elevated green space between the sidewalk and parking lot. This space is largely empty with some landscaping, and during our visits we did not witness people using this space in any capacity. Across the street are small, mixed- use buildings including a law office and residential homes. Also, between Reservation Street and Bridgeman along the southern boundary is weak mixed- use development.

Here, an approximately sixty- car parking lot for the American Legion Post 1.

This entry was posted on 6/12/2017.