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List of Russian people - Wikipedia. This is a list of people associated with the modern Russian Federation, the Soviet Union, Imperial Russia, Russian Tsardom, the Grand Duchy of Moscow, and other predecessor states of Russia. Regardless of ethnicity or emigration, the list includes famous natives of Russia and its predecessor states, as well as people who were born elsewhere but spent most of their active life in Russia. For more information, see the articles Rossiyane, Russians and Demographics of Russia.

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This is a list of people associated with the modern Russian Federation, the Soviet Union, Imperial Russia, Russian Tsardom, the Grand Duchy of Moscow, and other. Alex Ferguson was left in no doubt. “In my time as a manager I would say yes, this is the best team I’ve faced.” But then, on Saturday night at Wembley, the.

For specific lists of Russians, see Category: Lists of Russian people and Category: Russian people. Statesmen[edit]Monarchs[edit]Rurik, ruler of Novgorod, progenitor of the Rurikid Dynasty, traditionally the first ruler of Russia. Oleg"the Seer", conqueror of Kiev and founder of Kievan Rus', famous for his wars with Byzantium. Igor"the Old", the first historically well- attested Rurikid ruler.

Olga, the first woman ruler of Rus' (regent), the first Christian among Russian rulers. Vladimir I"the Great", turned from pagan to saint and enacted the Christianization of Kievan Rus'Yaroslav I"the Wise", reigned in the period when Kievan Rus' reached the zenith of its cultural flowering and military power, founder of Yaroslavl. Vladimir II Monomakh, defender of Rus' from Cuman nomads, presided over the end of the Golden Age of Kiev. Yury I"the Long- Handed", founder of Moscow. Andrey I"Bogolyubsky" (the God- Loving), key figure in transition of political power from Kiev to Vladimir- Suzdal. Vsevolod"the Big Nest", the Grand Prince of Vladimir during its Golden Age, had 1.

Alexander Nevsky, Prince of Novgorod and Grand Prince of Vladimir, military hero famous for the Battle of Neva and the Battle of the Ice, patron saint and the Name of Russia. Ivan I"the Moneybag", brought wealth and power to Moscow by maintaining his loyalty to the Golden Horde and acting as its chief tax collector in Russia. Watch Forever Young Online Mic here.

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Simeon"the Proud", continued the policies of his father Ivan I, died of the Black Death. Dmitry Donskoy, saint and war hero, the first Prince of Moscow to openly challenge Mongol authority in Russia, famous for the Battle of Kulikovo. Ivan III"the Great", reunited the Central and Northern Rus', put an end to the Mongol yoke, brought Renaissance architecture to Russia. Ivan IV, the first Tsar of Russia, called "the Terrible" in the West; transformed Russia into a multiethnic, multiconfessional, and transcontinental state. Boris Godunov, the first non- Rurikid monarch. False Dmitriy I, the first impostor during the Time of Troubles. Vasili IVShuisky, Tsar elected during the Time of Troubles.

False Dmitry II, the second impostor during the Time of Troubles. Mikhail, the first Romanov monarch, oversaw the largest ever expansion of Russia's territory, reaching the Pacific. Peter I"the Great", the first Russian Emperor, polymath craftsman and inventor, modernized Russian Army and westernized culture, won the Great Northern War, founded the Russian Navy and the new capital Saint Petersburg. Catherine I, the first Russian Empress.

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Elizabeth, "the Merry Empress" during the era of high Baroque. Catherine II"the Great", German- born Russian Empress during the Age of Enlightenment, significantly expanded Russia's territory. Statesmen of the Tsardom and Empire[edit]Aleksey Arakcheyev, Minister of War of Alexander I, organized military- agricultural colonies. Abram Gannibal, general and military engineer of Black African origin, governor of Reval, the great- grandfather of Alexander Pushkin and hero of his novel The Moor of Peter the Great. Vasily Golitsyn, 1. Russian Army, Foreign Minister and a favourite of Tsarevna Sophia, abolished rank priority in the military, concluded Eternal Peace Treaty of 1. Poland, one of the most educated Russians of the time.

Fyodor Golovin, associate of Peter the Great, general admiral, the first Russian field marshal and Chancellor, the first Russian count and the first to receive the Order of St. Andrew, negotiated the Treaty of Nerchinsk and the Treaty of Karlowitz. Alexander Gorchakov, Foreign Minister and Chancellor of Alexander II, a friend and rival of Otto von Bismarck, denounced the Treaty of Paris (1. League of the Three Emperors. Ivan Goremykin, twice the Prime Minister of Imperial Russia.

Alexander Kerensky, second and the last Prime Minister of the Russian Provisional Government. Franz Lefort, tutor of Peter the Great, general and diplomat, oversaw the foundation of the Russian Navy. Georgy Lvov, first Prime Minister of the Russian Provisional Government. Aleksandr Menshikov, associate and friend of Peter the Great, de facto ruler of Russia for two years after Peter's death, generalissimus, Prince, the first Governor of Saint Petersburg. Pavel Milyukov, founder of the Constitutional Democratic Party, Foreign Minister in the Russian Provisional Government. Nikolay Muravyov- Amursky, governor of the East Siberia, coloniser of the Priamurye and Primorye, concluded the Treaty of Aigun and the Treaty of Beijing (1. China. Karl Nesselrode, Foreign Minister of Alexander II and Nicholas I, a leading European conservative statesman of the Holy Alliance.

Grigory Orlov, favourite of Catherine the Great who enthroned her, progenitor of Bobrinsky family, founder of the Free Economic Society, owner of the Orlov Diamond. Konstantin Pobedonostsev, tutor to Alexander III and Éminence grise of his imperial politics. Grigory Potyomkin- Tavrichesky, favourite of Catherine II, conqueror and the first governor of Novorossiya, founder of Sevastopol and Yekaterinoslav. Grigori Rasputin, mystic and healer who influenced the latter politics of Nicholas IIKirill Razumovsky, last Hetman of Ukrainian Cossacks, the president of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Nikolay Rumyantsev, Foreign Minister during the French invasion of Russia, founder of the Rumyantsev Museum. Mikhail Speransky, chief reformer during the reign of Alexander I, father of Russian liberalism, oversaw the publication of the Full Collection of Laws of the Russian Empire.

Pyotr Stolypin, Interior Minister and then Prime Minister, put down the Russian Revolution of 1. Stolypin reform. Ekaterina Vorontsova- Dashkova, closest female friend of Catherine the Great, a major figure of the Russian Enlightenment, a director of the Imperial Academy of Arts and Sciences and the founder of Russian Academy. Sergei Witte, Finance Minister who later became the first Prime Minister of Russia, presided over extensive industrialization of the country, and supervised the construction of the Trans- Siberian Railway. Soviet leaders and statesmen[edit]Nikolai Bukharin, Politburo member in the 1. Pravda and Izvestia, author of The ABC of Communism.

Nikolai Bulganin, Soviet Premier in 1. Khrushchev. Konstantin Chernenko, leader of the Soviet Union in 1.

Feliks Dzerzhinsky, founder of the Cheka, the first Soviet secret police, worked on the problem of street children socialization. Mikhail Gorbachev last General Secretary of the Communist Party, launched the policies of glasnost and perestroika, the only president of the Soviet Union who led it to its collapse. Watch Pufnstuf Tube Free. Mikhail Kalinin, formal Head of state of the Soviet Union during the 1. Nikita Khrushchev, leader of the Soviet Union in 1. Stalinisation and many erratic policies, backed the progress of the early Soviet space program. Alexei Kosygin, Soviet Premier under Brezhnev, author of the eventually stifled Kosygin reform which included elements of capitalist management.

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This entry was posted on 4/15/2017.