Watch Krampus: The Reckoning Online (2017)

Watch Krampus: The Reckoning Online (2017)

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How Fast- Approaching Sexbot Technology Is Making Women Fearful – Return Of Kings@RYC, great last reply, except, the “Male Social Hierarchy” chart is false, due to being almost entirely based minor nuances propped up by modern civilization (also your “die first on the battlefield” comment also needs clarification). Modern humans have existed for roughly 2. I really wish people here would seek out alternative charts, showing something that is truer to the actual breakdown of “Male Social Hierarchy”, based on biological evolution and not the wishful thinking touted in “Social Darwinism”. So to recap, I see charts like this a lot, but they always fail to consider the “biological evolution of man”. So what do I mean? Modern Humans have been on earth for approximately 2. FORCED to follow, is a little over 2.

What this means, is that MANY of the people whom we THINK are Alphas today, may in fact, NOT be Alphas at all. Simply put, the last 2. LEGAL advantages to crafty, backstabbing, two- faced, Betas, whom gain undeserved Alpha status, due to LEGAL protection from PHYSICAL retaliation, whereas in the previous 1. If you have any doubts, just think of people like Steve Jobs or Mark Zuckerberg. Could either if these schmucks have lead men and convinced them to give their lives for a leaders “personal conviction” , like say, ALEXANDER THE GREAT or HANNIBAL? Of course not, BUT, people like these guys are given a type of “Alpha Status” today because they can act TOUGH, without any real threat of losing their heads or getting Tarred & Feathered by disgruntled peasants.

I’ll clarify further, “Pseudo Alphas”, like those shown in the chart above, win in America because the “unspoken rules” and “legal system” have been designed to prevent “aggressive retaliation” by disgruntled underlings. Think back to the early Teamsters tactics that were used against stubborn business owners and how you don’t see similar tactics being applied any longer. Once you recognize the overt influence of “undue physical & legal protection” it becomes easy to understand why “Pseudo Alphas” rule today. Note, its not because of superior leadership or any amount of endowed masculinity. It is because these “Pseudo Alphas” are receiving undue legal protection, that keeps the hordes of frustrated Betas from ripping these “leaders”, limb from limb. The current batch of successful business leaders, that we see today, would have been beaten within an inch of their lives during the time of the Teamsters or Tarred & Feathered, right in front of their factories, in earlier times. In Tribal and Chieftain level societies, the males that accumulated the most wealth and children were neither the “most fierce” nor the “most “timid”.

Watch Krampus: The Reckoning Online (2017)

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Successful leaders” in those times tended to fall somewhere in the middle, the main reason being that the “most fierce” warriors typically died in the hunt or battle because they could not temper when to be “bold” versus “when to hold back”. Also, on the flip side, it should be obvious why the “most timid” didn’t accumulate any wealth or children in a world based on hand- to- hand battles and hunts. In today’s world we have set up a legal system that solely rewards the “most fierce” warriors and it is contributing to our eventual downfall. In the past, when mortality rates were high, due to living in a dangerous environment, these were the LAST people you wanted running ANYTHING.

Today, these types of people get to go to the front of the line for leadership roles. Remember, just because they are “bold” and “fierce”, in a safe, OFFICE setting, doesn’t make them a real ALPHA, in the world of nature. If you need a modern example, look no further than the post- war years, after WWII. Who do you think returned back to the USA, alive, after the war? Was it the foolhardy or the yellow bellies or the ones whom could properly weigh the situation and take PROPER action? The answer should be obvious because not coincidentally, that was a period of stable employment and high wages for EVERYONE.

With that said, it should safe to assume that it was the most “balanced people” returning alive from the war that became captains of industry in the post- war years. The foolhardy and yellow bellies died on the battlefield or returned home too physically and/or mentally damaged to function in civilian leadership roles. Culturally we have had a big shift in the USA, where those given “appointed authority” seems to be trumping those that have “natural authority” more often than not. Make no mistake, the “winners” that we are seeing and hearing about day- to- day, are “Pseudo Alphas” at best. Watch Lisa Lampanelli: The Queen Of Mean Online Etonline there.

Since the early 2. I see MORE and MORE spineless Beta types easily surpassing people with stronger personalities and leadership ability, both in personal life and professional life. However, at one time, in the not so distant past, people displaying “natural authority and leadship” would have EASILY been the first choice of BOTH women and corporations and put in charge of most things, due to simply having REAL leadership qualities. What exactly do I mean and how did we get here? Well it starts in K- 1. Beta Types are rewarded with leadership positions for being “yes men” and “yes women”.

Other kids see this and then begin to develop an indoctrinated aversion to kids that have natural leadership, for fear of getting in trouble, by simply being around or associated with them. This mindset then gets extended into the workplace where “appointed authority” is the rule, with no exceptions being made for “natural authority” to usurp the direction of poorly run projects, useless conversations or bad policies. Once people get past a certain age, their “profiles” and “resume” begin to carry much more weight than their actual “endowed masculinity”. Sure, women don’t pine over Manginas when they meet them in the flesh, but they will pine over a “hidden mangina” with a perfectly crafted okcupid or Tinder profile. Do real Alpha types still clean up? Of course they do, but a LOT of “hidden betas” are getting FAR more than their share, of both “first looks” and “last looks”, than they would have received in the previous 5.

These days, this situation applies to both the career tracks and women’s surface preferences. Note, its not specifically that women standards have risen (we all know they have not), its that women keep on adding to the list of “non essential” traits that their potential partners and hook- ups must have, at minimum. So while going over that “non essential” list of traits, women unknowing eliminate what they ACTUALLY want and end up with something that they are ultimately dissatisfied with, a “Pseudo Alpha”. The Bunker Movie Watch Online.

This exact same scenario goes for employers as well. I always use the old comedy film “Revenge of the Nerds”, from 1.

When the JOCKS were in charge of the “Greek Council”, parties raged, un- PC behavior was tolerated and everyone was having a good time, with few harsh consequences for bad behavior (hence the term, “boy will be boys”). As we all know now, in hindsight, when the JOCKS were in charge, people earned good wages, nobody was micromanaged (use your best judgement was a common phrase), people didn’t get fired on a whim and life in general was good. Then one day the NERDS gained control of the “Greek Council” and parties started sucking, people had to kowtow to PC behavior (so as not to offend anyone), EVERYONE became micromanaged (i. Lean) and people started having less fun in EVERY aspect of life, while consequences for uncouth behaviors were jacked up to the highest degree (i. So I ask, was “life” better for EVERYONE, under the rule of the JOCKS or better today under the rule of the NERDS, whom are nothing more than “Pseudo Alphas” with “appointed authority”? Long live the “beta types” with “appointed authority, I guess, to our own civilizations demise, I might add.

This entry was posted on 6/14/2017.