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Best Game Of Thrones Cosplayers. Game of Thrones is one of the most popular shows on television right now.

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Almost everyone you know has talked about it at some point, and it’s pretty much all over social media, with the spoilers and memes. Based on the books by George R. R. Martin (somewhat loosely, though, with most of the show’s recent material being drawn from outside the text), Game of Thrones centers around a bunch of noble families fighting over the Iron Throne (hence the name of the series), with some dragons and other cool monsters filling up the screen in between. As the season seven comes to an end, we wanted to take a look at some of the awesome Game of Thrones cosplayers. Even if the series ends next season, we can still enjoy it through this art form. This series boasts a huge cast of colorful characters, offering plenty of cosplay options, and these people bring them to life so beautifully, making it look so fun no matter how many Game of Thrones cosplayers we see at conventions these days. With that, these are the 2.

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Stunning Game of Thrones Cosplayers Who Look Just Like Their Characters. The resemblance is uncanny. Cersei Lannister. Cersei Lannister in the Queen of the Seven Kingdoms. In addition to her deceased son, King Joffrey, she had two other children, Myrcella and Tommen, from her relationship with her twin brother, Jaime (too bad they died too – though this IS Game of Thrones, after all). This cosplay by faerie_blossom is from the show’s earlier seasons, when Cersei was younger and had longer hair.

The cosplay itself is already beautiful, with the flowing sleeves and intricate embroidery on the bodice, but the backdrop and the glass of wine in her hand really sells this as a set- worthy shot, taken by eos. Andy. Faerie_blossom is also known for cosplaying as Catwoman, Raven, Maleficient, and a Suicide Squad Harley Quinn version of D.

Va. 1. 9. Ygritte. Ygritte was a spearwife, part of the Free Folk and living north of the Wall. She was a member of Mance Rayder’s army and Jon Snow’s love interest. She was a skilled archer who believed that wildlings and northerners should come together based on their shared ancestry, fighting against the White Walkers instead. She was a minor character, but an interesting one, nonetheless. Bowtie. Pix took this amazing shot of Ygritte, cosplayed by one half of Yu. Yu Cosplay. Even with the cool winter colors, she looks bright and vibrant with her natural glow.

Yuki and Yuna are from Austria and also known for cosplaying from Fairy Tail, Sword Art Online, No Game No Life, Seraph of the End, and more. Sansa Stark. Sansa is the Lady of Winterfell and the complete opposite of Arya.

She actually enjoys sewing, poetry, and dancing, among other girly pastimes. She liked Joffrey and was excited to marry him at first, wanting to grow into a regal queen like Cersei someday, until she saw what a monster he was when he had her father executed. She’s grown up since then.

Alexander Chiu snapped this photo of Naoko Cosplay as Sansa. Look at that flowing cape! Her good wig choice adds an extra pop of color. The wolf fur on top of her cloak was a nice touch, too. Naoko is from Germany and has been cosplaying since 2. Watch Interview Download Full.

She is also known for cosplaying as Daenerys, Mystique, Megara, and Tinker Bell, among many others. Margaery Tyrell. Marrying two Baratheon brothers made Margaery the rightful Queen Consort of the Seven Kingdoms, until Cersei had her and her family killed in an explosion.

Unlike Cersei, Margaery was kind and could win the people over with her likeability. The Love Guru Full Movie In English. She even tried to evacuate everyone from the Great Sept of Baelor when Cersei and Tommen’s absences made her realize that something was wrong.

Xenia Shelkovskaya absolutely slays as Margaery. She already looks like her to begin with, but she captures Margaery’s friendly, flirty essence through her eyes and pose. This shot is gorgeous. Xenia is a cosplayer, gamer and model from Russia.

She is also known for cosplaying as Miss Marvel, Catwoman, Triss Merigold (The Witcher), and Morrigan (Dragon Age), among a variety of fantasy costumes. Khal Drogo. Drogo was a warlord from the Dothraki and married to Daenerys for the first two seasons. He was aggressive and a brute in battle, but developed a softer side for Daenerys, protecting her and their unborn child from anything. He was even willing to face the Dothraki’s fear of saltwater to sail the Narrow Sea to claim the Iron Throne for his family. King Tide Cosplay kills it as Khal Drogo, in this photo taken at MCM Comic Con in Manchester (he’s from the UK).

King Tide was already featured in our DC Cosplayers list for his Aquaman cosplay, as part of a Justice League group. Make that two characters played by Jason Momoa that he’s cosplayed now! Those appear to be his signature cosplays. Daenerys Targaryen and Jon Snow. She’s the Mother of Dragons. He’s the King in the North.

They appear to be working together as of season seven as the Prince and Princess that were Promised. And it’s possible they might get together by the end of the season?

Russian cosplayers Olya Bony and Selgis have good chemistry together as Daenerys and Jon Snow in this photo taken by Sergei Kick – maybe too good, given that she’s actually his aunt (there’s enough incest on this show – looking at you, Lannister House). Still, the cosplays are on point. Points for craftsmanship. Jon Snow is Selgis’ main cosplay, while Olya is also known for cosplaying as Margaery Tyrell, Judy Hopps, and Gadget Hackwrench, in addition to multiple versions of Daenerys and other fantasy- inspired costumes. Ellaria Sand. Ellaria is a background character in the books, but has a bigger role on the show.

She is Oberyn Martell’s paramour, the mother of the four youngest Sand Snakes (plus Tyene on the show), and an ally to Daenerys. She is a decent support character who has her strong moments, such as when she kills Myrcella by kissing her while wearing poison- laced lipstick. Anna Delle Vergini, also known as Southlab Cosplay, made this beautiful dress by hand, and it looks fabulous on her while suiting Ellaria. The detail on the bra piece is great, plus the bra piece itself fits into the dress’s frame nicely without taking anything away from it. Watch Ask The Dust Online Hollywoodtake there.

It’s not an exact replica, but it’s very summery, so we still love it. Bran Stark. Bran is a warg and the Three- Eyed Raven. He uses this supernatural ability to help his family while they’re fighting a war against the White Walkers.

This entry was posted on 8/2/2017.