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Zionism vs Islam. Which is more Dangerous? Which is the the Bigger Threat to Peace?

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Zionism vs Islam – Which is More Dangerous?Zionism vs Islam. Which is more dangerous?

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So much focus has been placed upon radical Islamic terrorism that Zionist deceit and crime is overlooked. Image credit: David Dees. Zionism vs Islam. Which is more dangerous? Zionism is a massively important piece of the puzzle when it comes to understanding the forces that shape the world today. It is a fundamental part of the drive towards global governance, a One World Government or a New World Order.

Yet, because of the widespread Zionist control of the MSM (Mainstream Media) and Western governments, its pervasive – and I mean pervasive – influence is cunningly cloaked. These days, the Zionist MSM has successfully diverted attention away from its own crimes of theft and genocide against the Palestinians to put the spotlight on Islam, or rather, the migration of Arabian people and certain violent acts of an incredibly small percentage of such people. Yet, watching the MSM news, listening to Trump and even reading a big portion of the Alternative Media, you would think that Islam is the biggest ever threat to Western civilization. The point of this article is to dispel such a myth. As you read this, please bear in mind that I have nothing against Judaism or Jews, I emphasize the distinction between Zionism and Judaism, I don’t belong to any particular religion, and I believe is only fair to treat Islam like Christianity, Judaism or any other religion. From one perspective, all religion (especially as opposed to spirituality) is bogged down in dogma and is a form of mind control. From another perceptive, all religion contains a core of truth which you can use to spiritually evolve.

It really depends on how you look at it. Problems Surrounding Islam.

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I’m going to start with a point of commonality – the problems and faults of Islam that have people so concerned. Islam, like any religion, has its shortcomings. There are people who are nominally Muslim who use Islam as an excuse for theft, violence and war (as with other religions. In fact, Zionists themselves claim that “god gave them the right” to the land of Israel despite the fact that other people inconveniently happened to be living there when they took over by force in 1. Islam also has adherents who are extremists, who want to interpret everything literally and/or insist that only their clan’s interpretation is the “correct” interpretation (does this sound familiar to any Christians and Jews out there?).

From this rigid and narrow line of thinking comes Sharia Law with all of its rules and laws that favor men over women, and make theft, adultery, heresy, blasphemy and apostasy punishable with whippings, amputations and death. Additionally, there is a disturbing thread of pedophilia that runs through Arabian culture, although to be fair, this has nothing to do with Islam itself, but rather those who use it religion to justify whatever their agenda is. There exist various hadiths and fatwas issued by Islamic clerics and political rulers which appear to allow or condone pedophilia, although they carry no real weight since they go against the Quran itself. For a long time, there has been an allegation floating around that the founder prophet Muhammad himself was a pedophile, because a 6 year old girl Aisha was betrothed to him. The claim is that he consummated that marriage when she was 9, however Islamic scholars and experts insist that is a lie to slander Muhammad.

Tamam Kahn, author of Untold, A History of the Wives of Prophet Muhammad, closely studied the lives of Muhammad’s wives for many years, and concluded that Aisha was customarily betrothed at a young age (as were many girls at the time) but did not consumate her marriage until after her first menstruation, around 1. This custom was also prevalent in Europe at the time.) She explains that to say a girl is married “young” makes her extra- virginal, and to say a woman is older than she probably was (like Muhammad’s wife Khadija who was “older” than he was) makes her wise and venerable. The impulse was to preserve purity in the girls and wisdom in the women.

Many Westerners Are Scared of Islam. In the last year, with the mass migration of Arabs to Europe and the ensuing migrant rape crisis (especially in Sweden and Germany), many Westeners are scared of Islam. It is troubling to hear some of these migrants boast about wanting to take over Europe and establish Sharia Law there. I wonder though – how many migrants really want to do that? After all, it’s usually the loudest and most outrageous people that get the attention.

We must also remember why many of the migrants are there anyway. Is it because they want to take over Europe, because they want a better life or because the West (US, UK, France, Germany) bombed their countries with their kindhearted “humanitarian interventions” in the first place? An important question to consider is this: are the people who criticize Islam judging the main religion of the West, Christianity, by the same standards? After all, the Catholic Church has been a beacon of tyranny throughout the ages.

It has condemned, stolen, invaded, guilt- tripped, tortured and murdered literally millions of people throughout the ages – when it wasn’t branding its enemies as heretics, native peoples as savages, and woman as witches in order to burn them at the stake. These days, the Vatican is home to all sorts of orgies and scandals, the Catholic Church remains Pedophilia Central (including conducting child trafficking) and its priests and missionaries vaccinate third world women (e. Philippines and Africa) with surreptitious birth control as part of the NWO depopulation agenda. Then, there are the Christian cults like Jehovah’s Witnesses who teach there are just 1. Heaven (so act now and reserve your place!) and who disown family members that refuse to stay in or join the church. Yet, there are still those who get up on their high horse and condemn Islam in the light of “Western civilized values based on Christianity” … all the while forgetting that there’s nothing Islam is doing that hasn’t already been done by Christianity. Christianity has already done a great job of paving the way to Hell for us, thank you very much.

Of course, it’s not fair to judge all Christians by the actions of the Catholic Church and other Christian churches or cults. Likewise, it’s not fair to judge all Muslims by Islamic extremists. Islam is a massive religion of 1. Watch The Children Of Huang Shi Online Hulu. Clearly, you can’t judge something by what less than 1% of that thing, group, teaching, culture, nation or organization does or says. Yet people do. So, yes, Islam has its faults. However overall, Muslims are being used as pawns and scapegoats in a bigger agenda. Islamic terrorism is just a symptom, not the deeper cause or driver of the world’s ills. With that said, let’s get a bit clearer about what is – and what is not – Islam.

Guess What? It Ain’t Islam. First of all, why is everyone labeling the issue as “Islamic terrorism”, “Islamic migration”, etc. We’re talking about Arabs. To state the obvious, Arabs are people and Islam is a religion. Not all Arabs are Muslim!

Furthermore, just as with Christianity and Judaism, some Arabs are Muslim in name only but do not actively practice their religion or espouse their faith. It’s important to be accurate with language if you want a clear understanding of a topic – but how many people are actually making this rather obvious distinction? Is it Islamic terrorism? Arabian terrorism?

Or perhaps Zio- Islamic terrorism? Image credit: Kevin Barrett/Truth Jihad.

Secondly, many of these so- called Islamic terrorist events are committed not by Muslims but by Arabs (there is more to the story here but I will get to that later). These so- called Islamic terrorists are about as Islamic as a piece of pork. Take Mohammad Atta for example, the supposed ringleader of the 9/1.

This entry was posted on 8/9/2017.