The Breakfast Club Full Movie Part 1

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Breakfast at Tiffany's (film) - Wikipedia. Breakfast at Tiffany's is a 1. American romantic comedy film directed by Blake Edwards and written by George Axelrod, loosely based on Truman Capote's novella of the same name. Starring Audrey Hepburn and George Peppard, and featuring Patricia Neal, Buddy Ebsen, Martin Balsam, and Mickey Rooney, the film was initially released on October 5, 1. Paramount Pictures. Watch Arthur &Amp; Merlin IMDB more.

The Breakfast Club Full Movie Part 1

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Hepburn's portrayal of Holly Golightly as the naïve, eccentric socialite is generally considered to be the actress's most memorable and identifiable role. Hepburn regarded it as one of her most challenging roles, since she was an introvert required to play an extrovert.[2]Breakfast at Tiffany's was received positively at the time, and won two Academy Awards: Best Original Score and Best Original Song for "Moon River", which was also selected as the fourth most memorable song in Hollywood history by the American Film Institute in 2. The film was also nominated for three other Academy Awards: Best Actress for Hepburn, Best Adapted Screenplay, and Best Art Direction. In 2. 01. 2, the film was deemed "culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant" by the United States Library of Congress and selected for preservation in the National Film Registry.[3]Early one morning, a taxi pulls up at Tiffany & Co. Fifth Avenue in New York City, from which elegantly dressed Holly Golightly (Audrey Hepburn) emerges.

The Breakfast Club Full Movie Part 1

After looking into the shop's windows, she strolls home. Outside her apartment, she fends off Sid Arbuck (Claude Stroud), her date from the disastrous night before.

Inside the apartment building, Holly can't find her keys so she buzzes her landlord, Mr. Yunioshi (Mickey Rooney), who begrudgingly lets her in. Later, she is awakened by new neighbor Paul Varjak (George Peppard), who rings her doorbell to get into the building. The pair chat as she dresses to leave for her weekly visit to Sally Tomato (Alan Reed), a mobster incarcerated at Sing Sing prison.

Tomato's lawyer, O'Shaughnessy, pays her $1. As she is leaving for Sing Sing, Holly is introduced to Paul's "decorator", wealthy older woman Emily Eustace Failenson (Patricia Neal), whom Paul nicknames "2.

E". That night, Holly goes out onto the fire escape to elude an over- eager date (Mel Blanc). She peeks into Paul's apartment and sees 2. E leaving money and kissing Paul goodbye. After 2. E leaves, Holly enters Paul's apartment and learns that he is a writer who has not had anything published since a book of vignettes five years before. Holly, in turn, explains that she is trying to save money to support her brother Fred when he gets out of the Army. The pair fall asleep, but are awakened when Holly has a nightmare about Fred. She later buys Paul a typewriter ribbon to apologize and invites him to a party at her apartment.

There, Paul meets her Hollywood agent, O. J. Berman (Martin Balsam), who describes Holly's transformation from country girl into Manhattan socialite. He is also introduced to José da Silva Pereira (José Luis de Vilallonga), a wealthy Brazilian politician, and Rusty Trawler (Stanley Adams), the "ninth richest man in America under 5.

In the days that follow, Paul and Holly become closer. The next day, 2. E enters Paul's apartment, worried that she is being followed.

Paul tells her that he will investigate and eventually confronts Doc Golightly (Buddy Ebsen), Holly's estranged husband. Doc explains that Holly's real name is Lula Mae Barnes.

They married when she was 1. Texas, as Fred will be returning. After Paul reunites Holly and Doc, she tells Paul the marriage was annulled.

At the bus station, she tells Doc she is not going with him. Doc leaves broken- hearted. After drinking at a club, Paul and Holly return to her apartment, where she drunkenly tells him that she plans to marry Trawler for his money. A few days later, Paul learns that one of his short stories will be published. On the way to tell Holly, he sees a newspaper headline stating that Trawler has married someone else. Holly and Paul agree to spend the day together, taking turns doing things that each has never done before.

At Tiffany's, Paul has the ring from Doc Golightly's box of Cracker Jack engraved as a present for Holly. After spending the night together, he awakens to find her gone. When 2. E arrives, Paul ends their relationship. She calmly accepts, having earlier concluded that he and some other woman are in love. Holly schemes to marry José for his money, which angers Paul. After Holly receives a telegram notifying her of Fred's death, she trashes her apartment.

Months later, Paul has moved out. He is invited to dinner by Holly, who is leaving the next morning for Brazil to continue her relationship with José. However, they are arrested in connection with Sally Tomato's drug ring, and Holly spends the night in jail. Dragon Eyes Online Putlocker. The next morning, Holly is released on bail and finds Paul waiting, and they take a cab.

He has her cat and a letter from José explaining he must end their relationship due to her arrest. Holly insists she will go to Brazil anyway, asks the cab to pull over, and releases the cat into the rain. Paul confronts Holly about his love and her behavior, then leaves, tossing the Cracker Jack ring they had engraved for her by Tiffany's into her lap and telling her to examine her life. She goes through a decision making moment, puts on the ring, and runs after Paul, who has gone looking for the cat. She searches the alley and finally finds the cat. Paul and Holly look into each other's eyes and share a kiss.

Production[edit]Development[edit]The Oscar- nominated screenplay was written by George Axelrod, loosely based on the novella by Truman Capote. Changes were made to fit the medium of cinema and to correspond to the filmmakers' vision. Pre- production[edit]Capote, who sold the film rights of his novella to Paramount Studios, wanted Marilyn Monroe to play Holly Golightly, whom he had described perfectly in the book. Watch The Outsider Online Fandango. Barry Paris cites Capote's own comments on the choice of actress: "Marilyn was always my first choice to play the girl, Holly Golightly." Screenwriter Axelrod was hired to "tailor the screenplay for Monroe".

When Lee Strasberg advised Monroe that playing a "lady of the evening" would be bad for her image, she turned it down and performed in The Misfits instead. When Hepburn was cast instead of Monroe, Capote remarked: "Paramount double- crossed me in every way and cast Audrey".[4]Shirley Mac. Laine was also offered the part of Holly, but she turned it down and performed in Two Loves instead.[5]Originally producers Martin Jurow and Richard Shepherd had picked John Frankenheimer as the director,[citation needed] but Hepburn said: "I've never heard of him" and he was replaced on her request. Principal photography[edit]. Hepburn in the opening scene. Most of the exteriors were filmed in New York City, except the fire escape scenes and the alley scene at the end in the rain where Holly puts Cat out of the cab and then Paul and Holly look for Cat.

All of the interiors, except for portions of the scene inside Tiffany & Company, were filmed on the Paramount Studios lot in Hollywood.[citation needed]According to one report the film's on- location opening sequence, in which Holly gazes into a Tiffany'sdisplay window, was extremely difficult for director Blake Edwards to shoot. Although it was simple in concept, crowd control, Hepburn's dislike of pastries, and an accident that nearly resulted in the electrocution of a crew member are all said to have made capturing the scene a challenge. However, another report claims that the sequence was captured rather quickly due to the good fortune of an unexpected traffic lull.[6]“It took me a long time to figure out what Holly Golightly was all about. One night after midnight I was still trying.

I don't drink much, but I was sipping. And it came to me.

I wrote ["Moon River"] in half an hour.”— Henry Mancini[7]During the film, Hepburn sang the film's signature song, "Moon River" by Henry Mancini and Johnny Mercer.

This entry was posted on 10/18/2017.