Starman Full Movie Part 1


The Anglo- Saxon Mission Part IIInterview transcript – Project Camelot January 2. B: Now somebody reading this will ask: Okay, so this is what they were discussing in 2. How can you know that this plan is still on track, that things haven’t changed radically, that they haven’t abandoned it completely, that there hasn’t been some big U- turn or epiphany here?

Starman Full Movie Part 1

What makes you so certain that this is still on track? W: Because of the events that have taken place since 2. I think that’s probably the most coherent way to look at it. We’ve already had a so- called financial collapse.

Starman Full Movie Part 1

It wasn’t a collapse at all. It was a centralization of financial power. That’s happened. It’s certainly happened in the United States. It’s most certainly happened in the United Kingdom. It’s most certainly happened in France and in Germany.

So all the key players in the Western world centralized their financial assets. B: Was this talked about in the meeting? W: Yes! It took up quite a large part of that meeting about how it was going to happen. Bear in mind where the meeting took place – in the City of London.

Created by Mike Gray, John Mason. With Robert Hays, Christopher Daniel Barnes, Michael Cavanaugh, Patrick Culliton. An alien returns to Earth years after an earlier.

· Transgender actress Alexis Arquette reportedly died at age 47 Sunday morning, surrounded by her family, including David and Patricia Arquette.

The City is the financial hub of the world, beyond any question. B: So what you’re saying then is that all of these things have happened according to their roll- out of this plan. W: That’s right – and all the preparations that need to be in place before this type of conflict takes place, that’s already been put in place too. B: Such as what? What are you referring to? W: Well you’re talking about key figures taking over. Let’s take a good example here and this is one that probably most people in the United Kingdom are unaware of, is that the British private security industry employs somewhere in the region of 5. UK military. The UK military is far smaller than that.

  1. David Robert Jones (8 January 1947 – 10 January 2016), known professionally as David Bowie (/ ˈ b oʊ i /), was an English singer, songwriter and actor.
  2. The Fog (also known as John Carpenter's The Fog) is a 1980 American horror film directed by John Carpenter, who also co-wrote the screenplay and created the music for.
  3. STARMAN begins by reminding us of Voyager, that little spacecraft that is even now speeding beyond the solar system. Remember Carl Sagan on the "Tonight" show.

The UK military is only a couple of hundred thousand. You’re talking 5.

Now prior to 2. 00. There was no training for them. There was no unification of that force of people. And behind the scenes – and this is something people should be able to be aware of, especially living in the UK – there was the 2. Private Security Industry Act. Now, that act meant that anybody working within the private sector had to undergo certain training. They also had to be police- checked.

It makes a kind of civilian sense for people who are working in areas of such security responsibility should be police- checked. These police checks… everything gets found out.

It’s not just if you’ve committed a crime or not. Believe me, you can find out far much more about that individual through a police check.

And then there’s training. This training is all about managing conflict: what to do in times of conflict, how to manage it, how to control it. And then they’re taught how to use controlled force. It extends from there. B: So you’re talking about handling problems of civil unrest and so on. This is all a setup for that. W: Indeed. You can take the protests that took place after the 2.

Iraq, here in the United Kingdom and in Western Europe and also in the States, but mostly in Western Europe. It was almost like a mass uprising against the war in Iraq. That won’t be repeated again.

It won’t be. But the people in this industry need to be lawfully empowered in order to do their job because they’ll still be working protecting assets, so they’ll still be doing their job. And at the moment as we speak the Security Industry Association is seeking and receiving more powers on top of the powers that they’ve already been given. They’ve already been licensed to operate legally within the civilian environment. Now they’re getting the additional police powers they need. It’s not just for those in the British security industry; it’s also those who are called “civilian enforcement officers”: parking attendants, that sort of thing; community police officers; those who are aiding the police in order for them to do their job, they’re getting powers commensurate with the responsibilities that’s required to enable them to do the job effectively.

So we’re talking about powers of arrest; powers of detention; we’re talking down those lines. And that’s going to happen. B: Is this happening in other Western countries as well, do you know? W: Well, it’s already occurred in other Western countries, places like France and Germany, where you’ve got several police forces working together.

You don’t have one police force, as it were, that you could identify and say: Well, they’re the police. They’ve got other agencies and they all carry similar powers. But those powers within the UK security industry just do not exist at the moment. They already exist in the United States and it’s a United States model that’s principally being used here. B: Okay. Now, before you got into those details, we were talking about the timeline — and I was asking you about what was your response to somebody who wanted to know how you could be so sure this was more or less on track, even though the meeting you attended was four years ago. W: Almost five years ago now.

B: Almost five. Yes. W: Yes. All I can say, Bill, is that just take on board what I’ve mentioned, and if it does ring any bells with anyone – the veracity of what’s said can then be checked by themselves if they wish to do so. B: Yes. W: Not everything’s hidden. They can’t possibly hide everything, and then they can put the pieces of the puzzle together themselves and then they’ll find out that it’s quite credible. B: Yes. I have to admit, it is very credible, which is very sobering. Right at the start of our conversation, you said that… this is my paraphrase… you said that this was a race against time from their point of view. Why? W: There’s lots of things going to be happening within the next few years and it’s all to do with power.

Some of it, I don’t fully understand myself, to be honest with you. But from what I do understand, there is quite a lot of power- brokering going on, and it’s principally that those who have been in control of most of society for not just hundreds of years, but for thousands of years, wish that control to continue. And in order to do that, a sequence of events has to be manufactured in order for that to happen.

What I’ve just described to you is probably the first part. So we’re going to head into this war, then after that… and I can’t give you a timescale for when this is going to happen… there will be a geophysical event taking place on Earth which is going to affect everybody.

Now, by that time we will all have been through a nuclear and biological war. The Earth’s population, if this happens, will be drastically reduced. When this geophysical event is going to take place, then those remaining will probably be halved again. And who survives that is going to determine who takes the world and its surviving population into the next era. So we are talking about a post- cataclysmic- event era.

Who’s going to be in charge? Who’s going to be control? So it’s all about that. And that’s why they’re so desperate for these things to happen within a set timeframe. Otherwise they’ll lose out. B: Okay. Let me play devil’s advocate here, and talk to me from your standpoint of having quite a lot of in- depth military experience and familiarly with military thinking.

Why is the war and the establishment of the totalitarian government, and the atmosphere of fear, and so on and so forth, why is all that needed if there is going to be a major geophysical event, as you put it, which would further disrupt infrastructure, result in a lot of deaths, result in all manner of emergencies all over the world, earthquakes, tsunamis, goodness knows what. That alone would justify martial law in most countries and states of emergency and those same factions could easily justify assuming power in that kind of an emergency. Watch Ghost Rock Online there.

Why is the war part of this scenario? I don’t understand that. W: I think you have to look at it from a different point of view. After a cataclysmic event, there will be little or no structure.

And if there’s no structure, that means a structure has to be put back in place.

This entry was posted on 5/31/2017.