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Malcolm Naden ate tortoise while hiding out in Dubbo zoo. He stole bananas from elephants, slept in the roof cavity of a manager's hut and used coin- fed barbecues to cook himself meals. Watch Panman Youtube. When his food supply was cut off he tore the head off a Galapagos tortoise and ate its insides. The real story of fugitive double killer Malcolm Naden's months hiding out in a zoo in central western New South Wales can be told for the first time with the publication of a new book. Naden, who was one of Australia's most wanted men while on the run from June 2.

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March 2. 01. 2, was spotted several times camping out at Dubbo's Western Plains Zoo. Scroll down for video Fugitive killer Malcolm Naden upon his capture in 2. Malcolm Naden is escorted by police at Manning Base Hospital on the mid- north NSW coast. Watch Vallanzasca - Gli Angeli Del Male Online.

CCTV footage of Malcolm Naden captured while he was on the run, wanted for two murders. Malcolm Naden after his capture near Gloucester, north of Newcastle, on March 2.

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But just how the former abattoir worker survived among the zoo's 1,0. Now a security expert who came close to catching the fugitive has described hunting Naden through the zoo's 3.

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Daily Mail Australia can reveal how Naden was found hiding in the zoo, recounted for the first time in an exclusive extract from The Contractor, 'six true tales of counter terrorism', to be published on Tuesday. The contractor of the title is 'Mike', a Melbourne builder who once worked for foreign and domestic intelligence organisations and now does occasional private security contracting jobs. One of those freelance jobs, described in The Contractor, was to investigate a 'homeless person' believed to be living in the Western Plains Zoo in November 2. The job came through the logistics and security person at another zoo who is called Roger in the book. Roger told Mike there had been a series of 'strange incidents' at the zoo over the previous month. The Contractor tells the story of the hunt for Malcolm Naden in Dubbo's Western Plains Zoo.

Double killer and sex offender Malcolm Naden was on the run for almost seven years. Fugitive murderer Malcolm Naden camped out for weeks in Dubbo's Western Plains Zoo. Steak, sausages and eggs found outside the cabin where Malcolm Naden was captured in 2. An intruder had been stealing feed, particularly bananas, from the elephant house. Uneaten and out- of- date food, including chicken rolls, was being taken from a dumpster behind the zoo's restaurant. Coin- fed barbecues on the grounds were found still hot at 5am.

Whoever was doing the stealing, cooking and camping seemed to be familiar with staff rosters too. Feed bags from the elephant house were found behind the rhino enclosure, forming a bed. Chocolate milk containers and pie wrappers were found around the bedding. Most alarmingly, Roger believed the intruder had been in his house, which was also on zoo grounds. Milk disappeared from a jug. Bread and Vegemite went missing. Roger told Mike he had heard what sounded like a possum in the roof. Watch Mamma Mia! Online Hulu.

Mike learnt from Roger's cleaner Carole she had recently encountered a man in Roger's bedroom. He had just got out of the shower and asked her for a towel. Double killer Malcolm John Naden was wanted by police from June 2. March 2. 01. 2Heavily- armed police hunt for fugitive killer Malcolm Naden during his seven years on the run. A Galapagos tortoise and hatchlings pictured at Dubbo's Taronga Western Plains Zoo.

Killer Malcolm Naden is escorted under heavy police guard from Manning Base Hospital Fugitive Malcolm Naden was found hiding in Dubbo's Western Plains Zoo in December 2. The man told Carole: 'Oh I'm David, Roger's mate from Sydney - I'm staying with him for a few days.'Roger had not seen David for almost a year. But he had been talking to him on the phone in his house.

The next morning Carole described 'David' to Mike. 'Medium height, quite muscly,' she said. Oh, and he's a black- fella - but I guess you know that?'Armed with Carole's description of the brazen intruder and after making inquiries with Sydney police, Mike soon believed he was hunting Malcolm Naden.

Naden, a 3. 2- year- old loner, was wanted over the June 2. Kristy Scholes and the disappearance six months earlier of his cousin Lateesha Nolan. He was also wanted over the aggravated indecent assault of a 1.

All the crimes had been committed in and around Dubbo, Naden's home town. The hut at Rawdon Vale, near Gloucester, where Malcolm Naden was captured in 2. Malcolm Naden murdered his cousin Lateesha Nolan, 2. Sandy Beach near Dubbo. Malcolm Naden murdered Kristy Scholes, the girlfriend of his cousin, at a West Dubbo house. Malcolm Naden was sentenced to life for murdering Lateesha Nolan and Kristy Scholes. Mike began camping in the zoo grounds, armed with a Remington 8.

From his observations it appeared the intruder had been splitting the sites where he cooked, ate and slept so if one were found it would not blow his whole cover. Mike patrolled perimeter fences, followed footpads and left a can of Coke near a culvert he believed Naden was using as an access route. The next morning the can was opened and half full. Ten days into the hunt staff found bacon and sausage cooking on a barbecue hotplate about 5am, along with a toasting bread bun. Next to the barbecue was a half- drunk can of Coke. That afternoon, Mike and Roger were confronted at Dubbo's Commercial Hotel by a group of Aboriginal men who accused them of harassing their relative 'Mal'.

Mike is a 1. 90cm tall (6' 3") 1. The threat did not last long. The following exclusive extract from The Contractor picks up the story the next day. This photograph of Malcolm Naden was used to identify him at Dubbo's Western Plains Zoo. EXTRACT: I spent all the next day at the zoo, first having the culvert beside the main entrance welded shut so no one could get through it. Then we laid fishing line across some of the main footpads - it wouldn't trap him, but I'd know if he'd been using that trail. By evening Roger and I were bushed. And hungry. So at around 1.

Dubbo KFC. We were almost there when Roger got an alarm alert on his mobile phone. We U- turned fast and zipped back to the zoo, where the alert was telling us the breach was in the admin building, right at the main entrance. I told Roger what I was thinking as we drove: the zoo would be black, so he was to let me out in the darkness before he drove the extra 1. We got to the main gate, where he slowed and let the Commodore roll just inside the gateway. I got out and it was a still, warm night, and I stalked to my left, along a cycle track, through some trees and past the hire centre where visitors can hire bikes for the day.

I crossed the main car park in pitch- blackness. It was dark and quiet and very still. Roger continued motoring to the admin building, and as he slowed to a stop, he hit his high beams.

Right in front of me, beside a large LPG tank against the admin building, a man stood up. It was him. I was unarmed, and so stunned that all I could do was say, 'Malcolm, it's me.' Killer Malcom Naden captured on CCTV while on the run between June 2.

March 2. 01. 2He was looking away from me at the time, at the car, but he quickly turned back. I don't know who was more scared - him or me. But we were three metres from one another and the way our eyes locked was primordial. The look we shared was one of mutual homicide - I was ready to kill him, because those eyes told me that was the only way he would allow himself to be caught. My heart was in my throat, and he was out of there.

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This entry was posted on 10/8/2017.